Thursday 7 January 2016

Happy New Year!

I am a little late to the greetings and salutations party, but I would like to say Happy New Year to all of my readers. I trust you all had a merry time and got to play as many games as you could handle. I also wanted to say a big Thank You to everyone who reads my little blog, to everyone who has been involved in posts and interviews and to all the people who have supported it and encouraged me since I plucked up the courage to create it, you are all brilliant!

Whilst I settle into a new year and a new life, full of fresh plans and the unknown, I thought I would share with you all some images of the games that I received for Christmas and my birthday - because sharing is caring, and I am way too excited about them all to be quiet about it :)

I am now the proud owner of the Ticket To Ride expansion India & Switzerland! A shiny new double-sided board with India on one side and Switzerland on the other. Towards the end of last year I found myself playing Ticket To Ride quite a lot, I even printed off some fan-made expansions that are available online to use, like the Emerald City and the London Tube map. There are many expansions of this game, all offering a variety of twists on the classic game that delight and engage. The route formations are different but there are also little extra bonuses in each game that keep you on your toes.

Due to my fondness of Forbidden Island I was given Forbidden Desert, it's thematic sequel, set in what appears to be the ruins of a steampunk-esque world in the heart of the burning desert. Players work together as adventurers trekking out to the desert to unearth a legendary flying machine that is buried under the ruins of the city. As time moves on the board changes; perils such as sandstorms and lack of water arise. With resource management, utilising your role's special skills and fast-thinking you can find the flying machine before you are buried under the vast heavy sand. We failed miserably on the first try as I died of thirst, but the second time we were victorious!

Ever since I played Waggle Dance at the board games cafe, Thirsty Meeple, I have yearned for it. This euro-style worker placement game has such a fun theme! Worker bees - what could be more efficient than that? Buzzing around making their honey. The goal of the game is to be the first one to make the most honeycombs. There are different options to choose from every round, you choose where to place your bees in order to optimise your results. Bees could be collecting nectar, making bee babies, expanding the hive...oh so many choices!

Ah, the gentle and scenic Tokaido is finally mine! Players take on the roles of travellers who are journeying across the East Sea Road, using their unique qualities to help them progress on their travels. On the road you may choose to linger at the hot springs, you may encounter a friendly stranger, or purchase a special souvenir, or perhaps gaze at the outstanding views. The most successful and well-travelled person wins the game, and the calm nature of the game makes everyone feel really chilled (even if they are losing).

One of my favourite set collecting and trading games is Jaipur, I discovered it on Board Game Arena last year. Players act as merchants trying to out-do each other through trading, selling and buying. The game has elements of risk and luck, as you wait with bated breath to see what the card deck has in store for you at the market. Will it be the sought-after and expensive diamonds or will it be plain old cloth? Using clever tactics you can still achieve greatness, even if you are stuck with cloth!

So those were my fabulous games of the season, and I intend to play them a lot more over the cold months to come. 

Thanks for reading!

Marisa xx


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